Let us not forget that on this date in
1941 the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the U.S. Pacific fleet and its defending Army and Marine forces in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. And this massacre was the catalyst that propelled the U.S. involvement in World War II.
Here is something I didn't know, that also on this date in
1917 the United States declared war on Austria-Hungry in World War I.
Also on a lighter note- Today in
1930 the first television commercial was televised in America on CBS, on W1XAV in Boston, MA.
Today was also the day in
1787 Delaware became the first state to radify the Constitution.
Today in
1999, The Recording Industry Association of America filed a lawsuit against Napster alleging copywright infringement.
On this date in ancient Greece, an annual rite called the Haloia of Demeter was performed. According to mythology, each year the goddess Demeter wanders the earth in search of her stolen daughter Persephone. The goddess' sorrow brings Winter to the world and all trees and flowers cease to bloom; however, Spring returns when Persephone is allowed to temporarily leave the darkness of the Underworld and Demeter once again rejoices.
So let's all take a moment and remember all those men and women killed in battle. Let us also thank the RIAA for their forward motions, in a battle all its own, on piracy because it wasn't until after this that piracy was taken seriously for artists of all kinds.